APN / Parcel #: | 18E-17S-10-0210-14420-0080 |
Account # or GEO #: | 1443270 |
Property Address: | 11032 N Trigger Terrace, Citrus Springs, FL 34433, USA |
County: | Citrus County |
State: | FL |
Lot Number: | LOT 8 |
Legal Description: | CITRUS SPRINGS UNIT 21 LOT 8 BLK 1442 DESCR IN OR BK 487 PG832 |
Parcel Size: | 0.23 acres |
Subdivision: | CITRUS SPGS UNIT 21 |
Approximate Dimensions: | 80.47 ft x 124.15 ft x 80.65 ft x 125.11 ft Approx |
GPS Center Coordinates (Approximate): | 29.023956, -82.484067 |
GPS Corner Coordinates (Approximate): | 29.024070, -82.483875 29.023851, -82.483872 29.023848, -82.484264 29.024067, -82.484264 |
Google map link: | https://goo.gl/maps/MAgzeKqcagEckRB76 |
Elevation: | 118.1 ft |
Access to the property? (Dirt/ Paved/ Plated but not Built/ No Roads (Land Lock) or Other) | Paved |
If others, please specify: | N/A |
Is there a Structure (Yes or No (If Yes: Explain) | No |
Are the taxes of this property current or delinquent? (If Current, then means no back taxes), (If Delinquent, just put delinquent and ask the next question below.) | Current |
Are there any back taxes for this property? If yes, how much is the amount owed? ( From what year to what year) | None |
How much is the annual property tax? (Current Year if available, if not get the previous year) | $86.41 (2021) |
Are there any tax liens for this property? If yes, how much is the amount owed?( From what year to what year? Note: Most of the time the county does not have access to this data because they don’t know if there are any mortgages or any kinds of liens. | None |
Is property part of an HOA (Home Owners Association) or any communities? (Yes/No) | No information on the website. |
How much is the annual HOA due? | n/a |
Are there any HOA dues? If yes, how much is the total amount owed? | n/a |
County Operator Details who Confirmed the Information: | Tax Online Search |